About Us

Therapeutic Focus

Specialize in developing groundbreaking therapies that address 

the unmet needs of Parkinson’s disease patients

Disruptive Technology

Our approach is disruptive, challenging norms to create lasting impact by Leveraging advanced technologies

Strategic Partnerships

Collaborations and partnerships play a pivotal role in driving our

 research and development endeavors, ensuring the progression 

of our therapeutic pipeline.

IND-Enabling Therapeutics

We are committed to achieving milestones that propel our therapeutics into the next phase of development, catering to the needs of patients.


Our Locations

Innevation Center

Applied Research Facility

Center of Molecular Medicine

Reno Hive

Our Team

Our team comprises individuals with diverse backgrounds, driven by passion for our work and dedicated to advancing research and development of our products.

Raul Dagda, M.S.

CEO & Co-founder

Ruben K. Dagda, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer & Co-founder

Dr. Bridget Martinez

Clinical liason & Advisor

Smijin Soman, PhD


Vincent Lombardi, PhD

Scientific advisor. Microbiology/ Immunology Dept. University of Nevada, Reno

Jasmin Gomez

Business Development & Account Manager

Aine Gallahue, Msci

Second clinical liason & MD resident